How to Make in App Advertisements Effective
It is observed that most of the mobile app users prefer to download free apps rather than pay for registration — no matter how low the app is priced. It’s a challenge for app developers to monetize their mobile app in such cases. This is exactly where in App advertisements step in — they are the life of the freemium model of app monetization.
Here are a few ways in which you can make your in App advertisements effective:
Advertising strategy
For in App advertising, ensure that the users are not forced to purchase in order to use the app’s functionality. This would invariably bring down the number of users for your app. Negative app ratings will increase and your app’s popularity will go down. You’re in App advertising needs to be such that it generates revenue for you and at the same time entertains and engages the audience.
In-App purchases must stick to the rule of conduct and the model should be completely honest, transparent. Especially the apps that cater to the younger generation and children, should have stricter rules. Transparency and honesty about the features and functionality of your app help build trust.
The malware menace
It’s always a good idea to conduct some research and choose the right mobile ad networks to partner with. The last thing you want is your awesome app being distributed along with a malware advertisement.
After all, the success of your app in any app store depends entirely on the user acceptance of your app. If the users feel they can trust your app, they will not only download it but also trust the in-App advertisements that you send out.
If users find flaws in the in-App advertisements, they will definitely get rid of the app. So, don’t let your awesome app be flawed due to the in-App advertisements that you include. Keep your in App ads as clean and simple as possible and ensure that you create a great experience for your users!